And it's pretty, isn't it? I found this cool picture of one, and it's the perfect illustration of the way all of us as individuals, Bandits and friends, weave together and make something cool.

On Tuesday, 5th May, Amanda McCabe http://ammandamccabe.tripod.com/, Diane Gaston http://www.dianegaston.com/ and Deb Marlowe http://www.debmarlowe.com/ invade the lair to talk about their new anthology of linked Regency novellas, THE DIAMONDS OF WELLBOURNE MANOR.
On May 6, Contemporary Romance queen and New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery will join Kate Carlisle to talk about reality TV and romance. Yes, there really is a connection!
Okay, we're smokin already, and it's only the middle of the week, but it's gonna get hotter before the week's over.....

Join us on the 7th for a Blazin' Good Time when we host 5 Fabulous Blaze authors! Our own Tawny Weber will be here along with Marie Donovan, Kira Sinclair, Jillian Burns and Jennifer LeBrecque to discuss their May Blaze releases and which of their heroes they'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.
I'll take one of each please.
WHAT?!!! (Cassondra gives a nervous look around at the evil glares of the other Banditas.)
We'll be pulling out all the stops and bringing in extra cabana boys for this one. Hey, somebody has to call the cabs for us and help us find the door when it's over, right?
Honestly I'm not sure I've ever seen this many incredible authors in the Lair all within the span of a week. And we're not done!
May 8th sees the return of Lair favorite, Virginia Kantra. Anna Sugden will welcome Virginia to celebrate the launch of the third book in her fabulous Children of the Sea series - Sea Lord.

Sheesh, what a way to start our anniversary month!
We'll give the guests a break for a week or so, but the fun won't stop. The 9th is the official release date of Trish's Harlequin American, Her Very Own Family. WOOOHOOOO TRISH! Trish will celebrate later in the week.
Then on May 19th Anna Cambell is back, this time with debut historical romance author Beverley Eikli http://www.beverleyeikli.com/Site/Welcome.html . Beverly visits us to discuss her writing journey (which is fascinating and involves residences across several continents) and her new release LADY SARAH'S REDEMPTION.

But Anna's not done. She's on a roll.......
On Thursday, May 21st, Bandita favorite Nicola Cornick http://www.nicolacornick.co.uk/ returns to talk about her new book, THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUCHESS. It's the first in a three-book series called THE BRIDES OF FORTUNE which gets back-to-back releases in June, July and August. Not only that, but for Nicola Cornick junkies, there's also an ebook prequel called THE SECRETS OF A COURTESAN.
As Anna would say, Huzzah!
(Ladies and Gentlemen, Anna Campbell will now be lying down to rest for a bit after her recent exertion with all of these guests.)
Wait. That didn't sound quite right.
May 22nd we're so pleased to welcome one of our dear friends, Esri Rose. Esri is another of the '06 Packers (she finalled in the Golden Heart the same year as all of us). Anna Sugden has lured Esri back to the Lair to celebrate the launch of the second book in her series about tall, gorgeous elves living in Boulder, Colorado, Stolen Magic.

May 26th Nancy Northcott hosts Stephanie Bond. Stephanie visits the lair to celebrate three back-to-back spring releases in her sexy Body Movers mystery series, 4 Bodies and a Funeral (April), 5 Bodies to Die for (May), and 6 Killer Bodies (June). She'll discuss "When Characters Do Things That Make You Crazy."
Uh...that would be constantly.
Anna Campbell's back up on Wednesday, May 27th with Aussie historical romance author Sara Bennett http://www.sara-bennett.com/ . Sara returns to the lair to share the story behind her latest book, LED ASTRAY BY A RAKE, the first in a new series from Avon called THE HUSBAND HUNTER'S CLUB.
Good lands, Anna's busy this month. SVEN! Bring Anna a tessane would you? Isn't that what historical authors traditionally force down their overworked heroines' throats? Wait. What's that Anna? What do you mean you'd rather have a margarita? Mango flavored you say? Oh,

We're ending the month as strong as we started, with two more fantastic guests. On May 28th, Suz will welcome Nancy Haddock to the Lair. Nancy will be talking about the second book in her Paranormal Vampire Series, Last Vampire Standing, in which a stand-up comic vampire is in jeopardy!

On May 29th, Christine Wells brings Double RITA nominee Sherry Thomas to the lair! Sherry will join us to talk about her upcoming historical release, NOT QUITE A HUSBAND.
WHAT???? What did Anna say? Dont' forget about the contest? I won't, I WON'T, I promise. Hang on though.

June 1st, put your dancin shoes on and leave your business manners at the door cuz the Lair will be rockin' for the release of Dark and Deadly, book number two for The Duchess herself, Jeanne Adams. That cover is just..well..HOT. Somebody fan me, will ya?
Then on June 2nd, Christine Wells takes over the

Whew. Sven, could I have something to drink now?
NO? Whaddaya mean, no? Oh, the contest on Anna's website!
Y'all don't have to wait until tomorrow to start winning stuff.
Anna Campbell is running a Devil, Desire and the Desert King Contest! This contest closes May 31st, and the prizes are a great reading pack of signed books:
TEMPT THE DEVIL by Anna Campbell http://www.annacampbell.info/
THE DESERT KING’S PREGNANT BRIDE by Annie West http://www.annie-west.com/
An Advance Reader Copy of DESIRE UNTAMED by Pamela Palmer ( June 30, '09) http://www.pamelapalmer.net/
In honor of Pam’s fantastic new series about shapeshifting warriors, Anna wants to know what animal you’d choose as your avatar if you were a shapeshifter. Her favorite answer wins the pack of books. Just email Anna on anna@annacampbell.info with your answers.
For more information, visit the contest page on Anna’s website: http://www.annacampbell.info/contest.html

But for NOW, here in the Lair, tell me...what do y'all know about dancin' around poles? (No, not that kind, though as long as you keep it PG, if you feel the need to self-disclose.....)
Do you know how the maypole dance got started? How old it is? Have you ever been a part of this May 1st ritual?
What's your favorite part of the month of May? School's out? Flowers? Warm weather(or cooler weather if you're in the Southern Hemisphere?) The start (or the end) of pool seasonSource URL: http://plasticsurgerycelebrities.blogspot.com/2009/04/
Visit plastic surgery celebrities for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection