Ok, so you HAD to know that I would blog about this topic. No? Really? I find it hard to believe. Every one of the Banditas and a majority of the BB's know my feelings on this topic:

One year ago I was a month away from my trip to the Emerald Isle. Those memories are enough to spark the longing to return again but then a friend has asked me to help her and her fiance plan their two week honeymoon there. Their honeymoon! In Ireland! Without me!!!

1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
Source URL: http://plasticsurgerycelebrities.blogspot.com/2009/03/wee-bit-green.htmlIRELAND!
I mean I debated and I thought and I considered what I would blog about today and there was no fighting it. In 4 days the celebration most iconic to my heritage, St. Patrick's Day begins and I gotta start now.

One year ago I was a month away from my trip to the Emerald Isle. Those memories are enough to spark the longing to return again but then a friend has asked me to help her and her fiance plan their two week honeymoon there. Their honeymoon! In Ireland! Without me!!!

All right, I'll admit that would be a bit much to ask (they even turned down my offer to chaueffer) but coupled with a recent travelouge on PBS I'm burning up with Ireland fever. It is a physical ache deep in my chest. Ireland is calling to me. What? You don't hear the faint beat of the bodhran? The whisper of the lush green hills, the rolling rivers? The whoosh of a Guiness being pulled?
In an effort to stave off my impulse to call in sick for a month and hop the nearest Aer Lingus flight I'm re-creating my Christmas quiz extravaganza with one of me own. How much do you know about the Emerald Isle? Take the quiz and find out.
1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
2. What was the first written language of Ireland called?
3. What do the colors in the Irish flag represent?
4. What was the name of the hill upon which sat the Irish high king?
5. What year did the Romans invade Ireland? What did they call Ireland?
6. How many times has Joanie T visited? :-)
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
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