Meet Bobby Ginepri, tennis star.
Is this about tennis? HECK No.
The reason he's the top feature today is that he's a sexy man with hair on his chest. Nothing airbrushed out.
Ahhhhh, a Real Man. Grins.
And so, the debate begins.

I go out with girlfriends and the talk eventually - or immediately - turns to our favorite topic: MEN. The other day some friends and I got into a rather wild, heated (sounds fun, right?) discussion of why all the cover models and "Sex Sells" type of photos are of men with no hair on their chests when I can bet that most real heroes, real, sexy men and, for that matter, real firemen, unlike the one on the right here, DON'T shave their chests.

Have to say, I can totally appreciate it. However, it isn't my favorite. I like men with

I like Tom Selleck who never made any secret of the fact that he was hirsute. I like the deep gravelly voice of Sam Elliott and I adore his physique as well, fur included.
Maybe I just like werewolves.

I even liked the late great Charlton Heston with his bare-chested, well-furred shot as Moses or in Planet of the Apes. Woo-hoo, Charlton! Of course, as I've mentioned before, I liked him better as a Prince of Egypt rather than Moses, the leader of the Israelites, as I'm not fond of long scraggly

Which brings me to another point. What is it about men with beards? In the last few years, the goatee, the soul patch, the chin strip, balbo and the mustache have made a comeback. For years it was allllll about the clean shaven thing. (And pretty much still is when it comes to cover models.) Or that goofy looking "I forgot to shave" three day growth of beard thing.

That may look okay on Dr. McDreamy, but not on many others.
I mean, I sort of get this unshaven, messy look if you're thinking "Wow, we spent three days in the Bahamas together and he didn't shave because we spent the whole time in bed..." sort of a deal.
However anything short of a real, soft, full beard equals beard burn to me, ladies.
What about you? It may be okay for a photo, but seriously, do you really want to get all smoochy with a couple day's growth of beard?

I'm thinking going to work the next day would be interesting...
"Oh, yeah, those red marks? Well, um...uh..."
If you admit to beard burn or worse yet, collar marks, either way you're gonna get razzed. Or fired, depending on where you work.
And heaven forbid you should put "Hubba-hubba beard burn" up on your Facebook page.
Fired. Fer shure.
Now, most ball players, stars and celebrities sport some kind of facial hair - at least between games or movies

One of my girlfriends posited that the trend started with Mens Fitness and other such magazines who took their start, if you will, from body building. In body building its all about the muscles, so they don't want that pesky hair in the way.
Shave! Depilitate! (OUCH!)
And then there's the swimmers, of course, who want nothing, not one little hair, to ruin their aquadynamics and slow them down in the water. Shave! Depilitate!
(May I repeat...OUCH!)
So then Real Men, who actually DO read fashion magazines - what are Men's Fitness, GQ, and so on if not fashion mags? - decided that the only way to be cool, and be sexy and attract the hot chicks was to be smooth skinned

NOT that these men in their nice fitting jeans aren't gorgeous, but really... do you want to go

Obviously, the delicious Hugh Jackman, pictured golfing in his bath towel (I didn't ask, not sure I want to know) didn't go for the body shave....or the face shave for that matter!

Troi's response?

(Made everyone else in the

So, traction or no traction? Is chest hair for you?
Do you like your men strong, powerful and furry like English Rugby star Ben Cohen on the right? (Great pic of him with one of his twin daughters, isn't it?)

Mustache and beard or cleeeeeaaaaan shaven?
To dye that beard a color or not?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Source URL: http://plasticsurgerycelebrities.blogspot.com/2009/03/fur-or-no-fur.html
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