by Beth
I consider myself a fairly patient person. I don't mind waiting in long lines or at the doctor's office or in traffic. I don't get impatient for special days such as Christmas or my book release days mainly because I realize there's nothing I can do to make those days get here any faster so why bother? Even if I'm dying to see a new movie, I wait for it to come out on DVD (okay, this one is because with three kids to feed, I can't afford to go to the movies *g*)
But that's not to say I'm always patient (just ask my kids, they'll be happy to tattle on me) While I don't mind waiting for certain things, that doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy waiting either.

For instance, I've begun to wait until the entire season of my favorite TV shows are out on DVD to watch them just so I don't have a whole week between episodes. And I usually watch them as close to the newest season as possible just in case there are any cliff-hangers. That way I can find out how things are resolved a lot sooner :-)
I wish I could do this with book trilogies too. I'd love to be able to spend an entire weekend reading a favorite author's latest trilogy/series from start to finish but books are one area where my patience runs thin. As soon as I know a new release is out, I have to read it even if it means a torturous six month wait for the next installment.
Which brings me to my most recent - and flattering - brush with impatience. I was asked by Harlequin to write an online read for their website, eHarlequin. HIS PERFECT MATCH is a weekly online read meaning each Monday for eight weeks a new chapter will be posted to the website and so far, two chapters have been posted.
And after both chapters, some very lovely people have commented on how they can't wait for the next chapter! How cool is that? People are actually a bit impatient to read something I've written *g* I have to admit, it's very cool - but part of me just wants to send them the rest of the story so they don't have to wait - LOL!

What about you? What makes you impatient? Do you read a trilogy or series all at once or each book as soon as you can get your hands on it? Do cliff-hangers (in books, movies or TV) entice you? Or infuriate you? *g*
Prizes! Today I thought I'd try something different (and hopefully fun *g*) I'll be giving away copies of the winner's choice of either NOT WITHOUT HER FAMILY or A NOT-SO-PERFECT PAST but there's a catch :-)
Four times throughout the day I’ll ask a question pertaining to the first two chapters of HIS PERFECT MATCH (yes, you have to read it, but don’t worry, it’s short *g*). The first person to post the correct answer wins! Easy, right? But you never know when I’ll ask a question so be sure to check back :-)
Just click here to read HIS PERFECT MATCH!Source URL:
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I consider myself a fairly patient person. I don't mind waiting in long lines or at the doctor's office or in traffic. I don't get impatient for special days such as Christmas or my book release days mainly because I realize there's nothing I can do to make those days get here any faster so why bother? Even if I'm dying to see a new movie, I wait for it to come out on DVD (okay, this one is because with three kids to feed, I can't afford to go to the movies *g*)
But that's not to say I'm always patient (just ask my kids, they'll be happy to tattle on me) While I don't mind waiting for certain things, that doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy waiting either.

For instance, I've begun to wait until the entire season of my favorite TV shows are out on DVD to watch them just so I don't have a whole week between episodes. And I usually watch them as close to the newest season as possible just in case there are any cliff-hangers. That way I can find out how things are resolved a lot sooner :-)
I wish I could do this with book trilogies too. I'd love to be able to spend an entire weekend reading a favorite author's latest trilogy/series from start to finish but books are one area where my patience runs thin. As soon as I know a new release is out, I have to read it even if it means a torturous six month wait for the next installment.
Which brings me to my most recent - and flattering - brush with impatience. I was asked by Harlequin to write an online read for their website, eHarlequin. HIS PERFECT MATCH is a weekly online read meaning each Monday for eight weeks a new chapter will be posted to the website and so far, two chapters have been posted.
And after both chapters, some very lovely people have commented on how they can't wait for the next chapter! How cool is that? People are actually a bit impatient to read something I've written *g* I have to admit, it's very cool - but part of me just wants to send them the rest of the story so they don't have to wait - LOL!

What about you? What makes you impatient? Do you read a trilogy or series all at once or each book as soon as you can get your hands on it? Do cliff-hangers (in books, movies or TV) entice you? Or infuriate you? *g*
Prizes! Today I thought I'd try something different (and hopefully fun *g*) I'll be giving away copies of the winner's choice of either NOT WITHOUT HER FAMILY or A NOT-SO-PERFECT PAST but there's a catch :-)
Four times throughout the day I’ll ask a question pertaining to the first two chapters of HIS PERFECT MATCH (yes, you have to read it, but don’t worry, it’s short *g*). The first person to post the correct answer wins! Easy, right? But you never know when I’ll ask a question so be sure to check back :-)
Just click here to read HIS PERFECT MATCH!Source URL:
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