Monday, September 13, 2010

Go fast

    After finding all the other go fasts I realize I don't have the original reviewed so I got to look back in my collection and see if I actually have the can. After a great while of searching I find it. Also my last comment for go fast Troy Widgery is a dog brain piece of shit scum bag.

    Taste- Crap uhh I don't know. Go drink one and find out instead of reading these dumb reviews.


    Buzz- 20 mgs milk thitsle, 10 mgs inositol, 32 mgs ginko bioba and gaurana. 100 mgs ginseng, 80 mgs ribose, 400 mgs taurine, 4 mgs pantothenic acid, 3.2 mgs vitB6, 1.2 mgs vitB12, 8 mgs niacin, .7 mgs riboflavin. All the other go fasts have really distinct blends, this is scrawny compared to all the others.


    Total amount of mgs-690.1

    Over all rating-6.75/10
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