Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quick Five for Sunday!

    by Anna Sugden

    It's that time again?! Isn't time flying by fast, these days? Or is it just me? It seems like it was only yesterday that we were moaning about the winter weather and looking forward to summer!

    Anyway, as usual, I've been trying to catch up with things and feel like a mouse on one of those little wheels. Completely forgot what day of the month it was!

    So, here is a Quick Five post for you to enjoy. Simple, really, five quick questions for you to answer.

    1. Which musician/band, living or dead, do you wish you could see?

    2. Which musicians/bands have you seen which you think are the best?

    3. Which famous actor/actress would you like to meet?

    4. Which famous person would you like to meet?

    5. Have you met any famous people?

    Here are my answers:

    1. Queen. I really wish I'd had the opportunity to see them before Freddy Mercury passed on.

    2. This was tough - loved Cher, Springsteen, Clapton, Madness and the Stones. My favourites for sheer entertainment would probably be David Bowie, Meatloaf, The Dixie Chicks and Status Quo.

    3. I'm torn between classical favourites like Cary Grant, Errol Flynn, Katherine Hepburn and Audrey Hepburn and modern favourites like Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn and Jeff Bridges.

    4. Other than certain hockey players *g*, I'd like to meet Laura Ingalls Wilder - she sounded such an interesting person and I loved going to De Smet to see where she grew up.

    5. Again, other than certain hockey players *g*, probably my most famous would be the Queen Mother - when I was younger I went to tea at St James' Palace!

    Over to you - what are your answers to my Sunday Quick Five?
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