"It's human nature not to be appreciative of what we have. We take so much for granted."
This is what Maya Fiennes says in her book, "Yoga for Real Life". When I read this two or three months ago, I actually stuck a post-it note on the page because I thought it was important. In fact, the entire book is full of wisdom and it's become one of my favourites... but I completely forgot about it and it took me several minutes to find the book this morning - I couldn't remember where I'd put it. Typical.
"Say thank you for being who you are, for being alive. To me, there's no better way to start the day." This is what I want to do today. To write down three things I'm thankful for.
"When everything is fine and beautiful, it's easy to be grateful. When things are more challenging, you need to trust, to have faith. Say thank you, and things will change." For me, life couldn't be any better at the moment so it's easy to do this but I still want to put it in writing.
1. I have a wonderful husband. He's kind, patient, hard-working, family-oriented, fun to be with and lets me do what I want. He lets me go shopping with his credit card and doesn't bat an eyelid when he gets the bill (I watch him out of the corner of my eye!).
2. I have a beautiful son. I'm already dreading the girlfriends that he'll be bringing home.
3. We are all healthy and happy!
What about you? Are you grateful every day? What are you thankful for?Source URL: http://plasticsurgerycelebrities.blogspot.com/2010/05/counting-our-blessings.html
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