Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Double Author Booty - From Dianna and Lisa

    We have winners from Dianna Love's blog of March 30 (yes, Cassondra is embarrassed to show her face in the Lair) and Lisa Shearin's blog of March 29 (and Nancy also is skulking).

    Dianna's winners are:

    One copy of Whispered Lies to Virginia--Whee!

    One copy of Phantom in the Night to Pat Cochran--Whooo!

    One copy of Whispered Lies to Denise --Wheeoo!

    Grand prize of autographed copies of all three BAD Agency novels, an "I'm in a BAD Mood" t-shirt, and other goodies, all tucked inside a monogrammed "I'm in a BAD Mood" totebag, goe to Chey--whoot! whoot!

    Email Cassondra via the tony margareth link on the blog with your snail mail contact info. Chey, your t-shirt choices are large or extra-large, so specify which you want.

    Lisa's winners, each receiving a Raine Benares prize package, including a copy of Bewitched & Betrayed with additional book goodies (postcards and bookmarks from all four of Lisa's books, plus a fridge magnet from Bewitched & Betrayed) – all signed and personalized are:

    Cybercliper and Bookie--Yippee!

    Email your contact info to lisa AT lisashearin DOT com.

    Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks for stopping by.Source URL: http://plasticsurgerycelebrities.blogspot.com/2010/04/double-author-booty-from-dianna-and.html
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