Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yawners in yoga class

    I have been going to a Kundalini yoga class. I wouldn't say that these classes are much better than Maya Fiennes' DVDs - not at all. In fact, I think I prefer doing yoga by myself.

    One of the reasons why I prefer to do it at home is because there is usually someone in the class who is annoying. Often it is a loud breather. Yes, the breathing is an integral part of yoga, but some people exaggerate so much that you can't even hear your own breathing. How is anyone else supposed to be able to concentrate on their own breathing (and go at their own pace) when there is someone practically snoring in the same room?

    Luckily, the loud breather stopped attending this class after the first session.

    But the yawner is still there.

    I can understand why anyone would yawn. Some of the exercises are so relaxing that you just want to fall asleep. But there is an acceptable way of yawning - quietly - and an unacceptable way.

    She yawns in every class. And she does it so loudly that I can hear her when she's sitting two rows behind me. It is incredibly irritating!

    Please, if you are one of these people, be considerate and tone it down.Source URL:
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